Investment Management
We customize individual portfolios based on our clients’ investment objectives, goals, risk tolerance, time horizon and liquidity needs. We implement varying model strategies consisting of stocks, bonds, cash, mutual funds and ETFs giving our clients a wide range of high-quality and well-diversified options for their investments.
Financial Planning
A comprehensive financial plan helps clients understand their net worth, cash flows, cash needs and ability to determine when they’re able to retire. Our advanced planning process clearly illustrates a client’s current financial position and helps them take the necessary steps to reach their individual and family goals.
Retirement Planning
Many clients question whether they have enough assets to retire comfortably when they choose to. Our retirement planning process helps clients decide when to make changes in the later stages of their careers as well as when to take advantage of programs like Social Security and Medicare.
Tax Strategies
We are not CPAs, nor do we prepare tax returns. However, we implement strategic capital gain and loss management, charitable gifting strategies, and coordinate with clients’ tax professionals with the goal of providing the best after-tax rate of return.
Estate Planning
We are not attorneys, and we do not draft legal documents. We work closely with clients’ attorneys in preparing wills, trusts, medical appointments, and powers of attorney to help clients minimize estate taxes and ensure their wishes are implemented.
Insurance Analysis
Because we do not sell insurance or annuities, our clients know they will receive objective analysis of their policies and coverage. We help clients compare various insurance options available to them so they can make an informed decision that fits their individual needs.